42escrow offers code escrow services for software developers and licensees. Licensed as lawyers in New York and England & Wales, we provide code escrow as a legal service, 100%-secure and based on state-of-the-art technology.
Getting Code Escrow Right
Who we are
Legal Imprint
Dr. Christof Strasser, LL.M. (Harvard)
Solicitor (England & Wales) – SRA number 487360
Rechtsanwalt (Vienna) – ADVM-Code: R112471
Attorney at Law (New York) – Registration number 4546107
Office London:
207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH, United Kingdom | t: +44 749 89 02 807 | e: office@42law.com
Office Vienna:
Am Platz 5, 1130 Vienna, Austria | t: +43 699 1808 1066 | e: office@42law.com
UID: ATU 65701305
42escrow is affiliated with www.42law.com
Call Us
Monday – Friday 9am – 8pm GMT+2
+43 699 1808 1066
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